Microsoft Teams Training | JGU

Microsoft Teams

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Q : I shared my screen, but the students are only able to white/blank screen, what do I do?

A : Stop sharing the screen and share again. It’s highly likely that the students will be able to see the video. If the problem persists, please contact IT support.

Q : I shared my screen, but a few students are not able to see the screen, what do I do?

A : If a few students are unable to see your screen, please ask the students to leave the call and join again. If the problem persists, please contact IT support.

Q : I see guests waiting in the lobby in the participants window, what do I do?

A : Non-JGU users cannot directly join the video call. If you see see people waiting in the lobby, only allow them to join if you personally know who’s joining. It is highly recommended to decline the requests of guests (outside of JGU) from joining the meeting.

Q : How do I prevent unwanted attendees into my online classroom?

A : Everyone with a JGU ID can join the online classroom even if they are not enrolled in your course. This essentially happens when a student from your class shares the link of the online class with others. You can understand who’s creating nuisance in the class using this link {please add the link to the answer of this question}, and you may report the inappropriate behaviour of the student to the School and University Administration.

Q : Can a student mute me when I am presenting?

A : No, unless you make the student a presenter.

Q : Can I mute all the students while making a presentation? Will they be able to un-mute themselves?

A : Follow this link to video tutorial.

Q : Can the student remove me from the online class?

A : No, unless you make the student a presenter.

Q : Can the student remove another student from the online class?

A : No, unless you make the student a presenter.

Q : Is there a way to avoid disruption due to noise in my background due to activities at home?

A : MS Teams has a built-in background noise cancellation mechanism. You do not need to do anything from your end. Although, you are advised to conduct your classes in a quiet and well lit space.

Q : Can a student add non-JGU users to the class?

A : No, a non-JGU user cannot join the class. Although if a JGU student has shared his/her JGU Email credentials with a non-JGU user, a non-JGU user may be able to join the online class.

Q : Can students record the class on MS Teams?

A : Not unless they’ve been given the rights of the presenter. By default, all students join the online class as an attendee. If the faculty gives them the rights to present, they have to make sure that their rights are changed back to attendee once the students’ presentation is over. If a student has been given a right to present but not rolled back to an attendee, in the next session, the student will by default join in as a presenter. Link

Q : If I want to conduct an additional class for my existing course, can I use the existing link?

A : Yes, you can use the existing link that you’ve received on your email. Although you would need to communicate the exact time of the class with the students and inform them to use the existing link.

Q : How will the students know the MS teams link to join the class?

A : The students will receive links to their individual classes on email.

Q : I have limited internet bandwidth, and conducting classes online may exhaust the bandwidth, what do I do?

A : Follow this link to video tutorial.

Q : Is screen-sharing the only way to teach electives on computer programming and analytics (Python, Tableaux, MS Excel etc.)?

A : Yes, screen sharing is the best way to teach courses which may involve other software such as Tableau, MS Excel, VS Code, PyCharm etc.

Q : How do I draw graphs (2D, on xy plane) in my online class?

A : Follow this link to video tutorial.

Q : How do I use math and statistics tools in my online class?

A : Open the tool that you want to use to solve mathematics and statistics on your laptop and share your screen using MS Teams. Kindly use this link to understand how you can share your screen with the class using MS Teams.

Q : How do I demonstrate use of financial calculator or scientific calculator in solving questions in a live online class in corporate finance or accounting?

A : Open the tool/calculator that you want to showcase to the class on your laptop or browser and share your screen using MS Teams. Kindly use this link to understand how you can share your screen with the class using MS Teams.

Q : How do I conduct office hours using MS Teams?

A : You can use the same link, shared for the course’s online class, to conduct office hours (start a new online meeting). You are requested to inform the students about the same.

Q : Should I use the Whiteboard option that appears when I share my screen in MS Teams?

A : The whiteboard option is MS Teams is a collaborative whiteboard, meaning that students can also scribble on the MS Teams whiteboard. If you want to use a collaborative whiteboard which is open to use by all, you may use the MS Teams whiteboard. Otherwise, please use OneNote Whiteboard as explained in this link.